Expressing herself through words, not just music.
Heidi Clausius
Heidi has been journaling and writing for most of her life, but using the piano as her means of self expression with the world, until recently. After her mother's death in 2018, she began writing her memoir. Inspired by learning from other writers' processes, she spent the summer during the Covid shut down cataloging more than forty years of her journals. In the fall of 2020 Heidi connected with writing coach and founder of Story A Day, Julie Duffy. In Januray she joined Julie's community of amazing and supportive writers. Through their encouragement, Heidi has been able to recommit herself to putting her story into words. For the first time in over thirty years, she chose to take the summer off from the majority of her piano students to devote herself to this project. It has been a process of self-discovery and acceptance that she never imagined. This is a page where she will share what is flowing out of her hands in completely new and unexpected ways.

My Labyrinth
I felt a transformation and, for the first time in my life, an integration of all of the different parts of me. When I was finished, three words came to me: comfort, release and strength. The words I received in the Labyrinth. In that moment I gained clarity that the piano is my Labyrinth. It was as if the lens of my life that has been out of focus for so long instantly became clear. This beautiful gift from my creator has the ability to give me personal, psychological and spiritual transformation. Through it I find comfort, can release what holds me in bondage, and find strength by connecting with myself through the music. - Oct. 2005
The bottom is not
the end,
But the beginning
The place where you find
undisguised by the world
The power of one moment
invites you
to dig deeper
To discover what has
been hidden
within your soul
In the safety of the abyss
the truth
is revealed
The hope of change
is born
Possibility brings light
Illuminating the path
out of darkness
back into the world
The gift of the journey is
restoration, awakening,
and renewal
It is reserved for
those willing to risk
taking the journey
On the
path of
July 2021